With experience across all aspects of the coal and the material handling supply chain, CDG provides invaluable expertise to clients that produce, transport and/or consume bulk materials. Stacking and reclaiming are both materials handling processes we support. At CDG we offer proven coal stockpile management solutions.

There are many different types of stacker and reclaimer technologies, and CDG is familiar with them all. We have done numerous engineering-based studies to determine deficiencies and recommendations for superior and more efficient stacking and reclaiming. Additionally the team of experts at CDG is very knowledgeable in the areas of material stacking configuration, material stockpile characteristics, reclaim hopper geometry, reclaim conveyor arrangements and reclaim tunnel design. Each of these aspects significantly impact stacker and reclaiming efficiency, and CDG is here to help you make decisions that make the best business sense for your specific facility and keep your materials handling operations running.

CDG’s decades long experience working with mines and power plants means that we understand the challenges that coal handlers face, and we pride ourselves on designing superior stacking and reclaiming solutions that maximize operational efficiency while minimizing long term costs.   Let CDG’s team of engineers help you achieve superior operations today.